Punishing Kamala/The Dems — How Black Americans Exercised Power in the 2024 Election

TSP Compositions


Well...it's official. After 4 years of America being under Democratic mismanagement, the Orange Man will once again fulfill the role of being the next head of further mismanagement and chaos. Not only did Agent Orange achieve victory, but he did so decisively, winning all of the battleground states, the Senate, and the popular vote--something that hasn't been accomplished by a Republican presidential candidate since Bush Junior won in 2004.

The Demon-crats tried throwing everything at the wall to see if it'd stick in terms of galvanizing the black vote. They rolled out a plethora of celebrities from Eminem, to Cardi B, Samuel L. Jackson, Beyoncé, and Meg The Stallion. They sent Barack Obama to wag his finger at black men like they were children and preach to them about how sexist and politically ignorant they were if they didn't support Kamala--something they would never do to any other male constituent.

Kamala Harris even attempted her feeble renditions of a black-cent when she addressed the black community at her rallies. And, she thought that cosplaying as those who've lived the black American experience would somehow motivate black voters to head to the polls in mass, by claiming she washes collard greens in the bathtub (which literally no black person knows another black person who does this) and that she listened to Tupac when she was in college while she smoked some weed (even though Tupac wasn't out when she was in college).

Rather than actually going and meeting with black men and black women, face-to-face in their communities, to gain a genuine understanding of what everyday life looks like to them and what their specific issues and demands are--and clearly articulating specific remedies she plans to enact while in office, she ran the same tired old play the Democrats have been doing on black people for the better part of 60 years.

As was spelled out in a leaked memo from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) leaked by the hacker Guccifer 2.0, “When approached by BLM activists,” do “listen to their concerns,” but “don’t offer support for concrete policy positions.” And, that's exactly how the Democratic party, as a collective, addresses the black community every election cycle.

They're quick to acknowledge the deplorable inequities inflicted upon the black collective in this country. They've never had a problem speaking on that topic in-depth and at length, but, when it comes to going into detail about what kind of effective remediation can be applied to said inequities, it’s crickets.

Rather than offering clear, easy-to-understand, direct, and specific policies to address and redress issues specific to the black community--like how they do with Jewish, Asian, and Latino communities--their political strategy when it comes to their most loyal and consistent voter block has been to tell us "We'll get around to fixing you guys' issues once we've fixed everyone else's, so vote for us so we can maybe fix your issues in the future, even though we haven't done so since our political party's inception and even though we're responsible for policies that have historically targeted and harmed your community."

That said, we live in the zenith of the digital age where information is easier to find than ever, and more and more people, especially the young, are getting their news and commentary from independent sources outside the mainstream media. Black people, particularly in the last 20 years, are becoming increasingly politically sophisticated, and they're beginning to understand their true power as a voter base—which includes withholding their vote as opposed to “voting for the lesser of 2 evils,” like so many have tried to persuade us to in every election.

Contrary to the black Boomer generation, Gen-Y and Gen-Z aren’t looking to be swayed nor are they eager to get their political advice from celebrities. They’re far more likely to get their commentary from those whom they feel come from their social ranks and from those who they feel can identify with their daily experience. They’re not enthused by some celebrity whom they’ve never met and who doesn’t know they exist.

What’s also contrary to the Boomer generation is that black people from age 40 to younger aren’t worried about symbolic tokens, such as “being the first black this or that” nor are they worried about being able to freely be in the company of white people aka white acceptance. They’re not looking to hate white people either—far from it. They’re far too busy worried about their power and how they’re going to bend the Dems—and the Right for that matter—to their will.

They’re becoming more concerned about their own best interests, which is something the black collective should’ve been doing for decades, rather than trying to lend to everyone else’s causes hoping they’ll return the favor—which they never do.

It was NOT Latino men “being misogynistic” that cost Kamala the election, for the fact the Latino vote is inconsistent when it comes to party loyalty. Even though there was a significant Latino vote in Trump’s favor, those were from states that were primarily red anyway. So, it didn’t make a significant difference either way.

Kamala’s campaign attempted to appeal to white women with the abortion issue, but, as they did in 2016, white women, no matter their income or education level, tend to vote closer to what their white male counterparts do more often than not. So, it wasn’t white women who sunk Kamala’s Oval Office aspirations either.

As was the case back in 2016 with the whole “grab ‘em by the you-know-what” comment, white women chose to ignore the detestable and lewd aspects of Trump because they understand both their economic and social standing in this society comes from white privilege (their race) and that it has not a damn thing to do with their sex.

The reason the Democrats lost is simple, and it’s something you’ll begin hearing about more and more in the weeks to come in mainstream media outlets. It is because—and only because—black Americans, particularly those who descend from slavery, either didn’t show up to support Kamala or they supported Trump. And, if they did vote for him, let me be clear. If you see news stories talking about how black men supported Trump because they quote “weren’t comfortable seeing a woman in office,” it’s a bunch of horse crap.

The black men who did support him didn’t do so because they liked him; they did so because they felt it was strategic. You have one candidate who’s been in office for 4 years and hasn’t said one peep about the gargantuan slew of illegal immigrants flooding black communities and creating even more economic competition for the limited amount of resources there already is. And, then, you have a candidate saying they’re going to close the floodgates to those you have to unfairly compete with.

To the black men, who are a part of the black community, which has the lowest wealth in this country because of circumstances engineered against them by people like Kamala, Trump was the most logical choice. The left would say, “Well Trump said some racist stuff and we should be offended blah blah blah.” The thing is, one thing you can say about Trump (not advocating for him) is that he’s never done anything against black society policy-wise.

The black male collective doesn’t care about his rhetoric; they only care about how policies affect them on the ground, and they see how this current administration’s policies have affected them over the past 4 years.

However, the main voting trend for the 2024 election was black Americans choosing the couch (to stay home) in this election, as they felt neither candidate was worthy of the ballot. It wasn’t so much a contest of Kamala vs. Trump as it was Kamala vs. black people, the Democrats’ most loyal voter base historically, refusing to back a candidate who proudly proclaimed she would not do anything specifically just to help them.

I truly believe Trump lost the 2020 election because he mishandled the pandemic. I think that election was a one-off, though, and I don’t think it represents the current political climate. Black Americans have a new set of demands for the party whom their black predecessors have supported with blind loyalty.

This will be a soul-searching period for the Democratic party as a whole. I strongly believe, if they don’t acquiesce to the specific demands black American society is presenting to them—a very righteous, just-due, and owed set of demands I might add--they will continue to lose both every presidential and mid-term election to the Republicans moving forward.

It will be up to them to decide whether or not they want to keep stubbornly practicing the benign neglect practice they’ve kept up for over half a century when it comes to us. Well…they can continue to do so, but, as we saw with this election, we’re perfectly fine with practicing that same benign neglect toward them—in 2026, 2028, 2030, and 2032. #TheChoiseIsTheirs

One Love & One Justice,
The Stormy Poet

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p: (817) 382–1108‬

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