Passion & Talent Aren’t Enough: The Importance of Planning (Part 1)
Who could have foreseen that I’d be faced with chronic and debilitating GI tract issues at 26?
Who could have known about the dark and twisted road of Depersonalization/Derealization I’d have to trudge, at 28?
Had I sat down, mapped out a plan, and started diligently pursuing my dreams, years prior, imagine how farther along I’d be on the path of fulfilling them. Not only that, but I would’ve had more time, energy, and money to put into my dreams rather than pouring those same resources into overcoming those random and massive hurdles–the kind like the aforementioned ones I had to endure–that life inevitably will throw at all of us.
My point is, your life isn’t going to mellow out and get easier as it progresses. Don’t wait for your situation to be picture perfect to start chasing your dreams now, because life will never be a constant state of picture perfect-ness.
I’m extremely grateful to be a published author and to have 2 books out at 31-years-old. However, who knows how many light years ahead I’d be, of where I’m at right now, had I put in the work I’m putting in now, back when I was 22/23-years-old?
I have no regrets. However, I’d be lying if I said that it wasn’t a mistake that I waited and procrastinated as long as I did. You can’t learn from your mistakes if you don’t acknowledge them.
One thing I struggled with in my younger 20’s was sitting down and drawing out a plan for the things I wanted to accomplish.
Not only that, but I wasn’t being consistent with what in my efforts in the plans I was managing to get down in writing. I had all the TALENT and PASSION in the world, but I had no way to harness and focus them. Plus, I assumed people would think my talent was so awesome and amazing that they would literally throw cash at me to experience it.
Again, I’m not sulking over the past. However, one of the things my parents and school never effectively taught me is that, faith, education, and passion are NOTHING without a plan and that there is no cookie-cutter way to success.
God has a different path for everyone. You have the talent. The whole world is waiting on you. What are you waiting for?
From the Heart,
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