No Thing Left Un-Conquered: The Dominant Society’s Undying Quest
Family & Fellow Travelers,
“Three people were injured in two shark attacks within just 90 minutes of each other Friday at neighboring beaches in Walton County, Florida, authorities say.
The attacks happened about four miles apart and left two people in critical condition and a third in stable condition, South Walton Fire District Fire Chief Ryan Crawford said in a joint news conference Friday.
Just after 1:15 p.m., authorities responded to a report of a woman being injured by a shark in the water near Watersound Way and Coopersmith Lane, according to the Walton County Sheriff’s Office.
A 45-year-old woman was ‘reportedly swimming just past the first sandbar with her husband’ near Watersound Beach, Crawford said in the news conference.
The woman, who is in critical condition, suffered significant trauma to the midsection and pelvic area and her left lower arm was amputated, according to Crawford. The woman was airlifted to a local trauma facility for treatment.
The second attack took place at the Sandy Shores Court area of Seacrest Beach at approximately 2:55 p.m., four miles east of the first incident. Two girls approximately 15 to 17-years-old were in waist-deep water with a group of friends just inside the first sandbar when the incident occurred, according to the fire district.
One of the teenagers had significant injuries to the upper leg and one hand, and the other had minor injuries on one foot, according to the fire district.
Walton County Sheriff Michael Adkinson said during the news conference that authorities are speaking with experts to see if there is ‘something anomalous.’
‘We don’t think there is, but we certainly want to be diligent,’ he said. We know we share the water with sharks, we understand that as tragic as this is, there are always sharks.’”
-Credit CNN-
Now firstly, let me say that what happened in this situation is completely tragic. I don’t revel in people’s misfortunes, regardless of how deserving they are or aren’t of them, and I’m definitely not here to go after the character of these attackees.
However, we see this dynamic played out time and time again between those in the dominant society and Mother Nature its very self. When it comes to engaging in hazardous activities like skydiving, mountain climbing, camping in places wild animals inhabit, white water rafting, or, as in this case, choosing to wade in shark-infested waters, you can’t help but notice it’s primarily those of a lighter complexion who are the first in line to risk their very lives for such thrills.
For instance, you’ve never heard of the black version of an Evel Knievel, nor have you ever seen a group of black people eager to scale Mount Everest. Or, when was the last time you heard of any black people traveling 2 miles to the bottom of the crushing ocean to check out some boat wreckage?
We have an innate respect for nature, and we understand that bad things like what happened to the Titan submarine could occur when we don’t.
I say that not to portray black people as unadventurous or as a people who don’t enjoy exploring and discovering new things about the world. As a matter of fact, it was the Africans that revolutionized seafaring well before Columbus ever sailed to the Americas. Ivan Gladstone Van Sertima, the Guyanese-born British associate professor of Africana Studies at Rutgers University, wrote the definitive book on the African presence in America, pre-Columbus, which goes into painstaking detail about the African presence in America well before the European expeditions.
It was the Africans discovering and utilizing the Southern Equatorial Current from West Africa over to the Americas that led to the centuries-long interactions between the Africans and the American indigenous peoples.
However, I do say that to point out that notice you don’t hear too many stories about black people dying in submarine implosions, getting mauled by a grizzly bear, or being put in the ER for trying to jump some dirt bike over a canyon. It’s not that we don’t like thrills and excitement nor is it that we don’t enjoy taking calculated risks if the payout is comparable; it’s just that we, for the most part, don’t like risking our lives over achieving some kind of a thrill.
Now in the case of this shark attack in Walton County, Florida, you have the same dynamic playing out which always occurs. Whenever there’s an animal attack on a white person, there’s a whole media frenzy around it. And how insane is that in and of itself? There’s a news story about someone being attacked by a wild animal…for literally exposing themselves to said wild animal’s habitat.
Who could imagine such a thing could ever take place? Oh the humanity!
The fact of the matter is, when you purposefully position yourself in the various areas of Mother Nature’s treachery, occasionally but also inevitably, you’ll have to deal with the consequences.
In essence, Mother Nature CANNOT be tamed nor conquered, but that sure doesn’t stop the oppressor class/white supremacists from attempting to do so.
Black people, throughout much of human history, have believed in achieving a mutually beneficial relationship with the nature around us, from the Gullah Geechees to the Root Workers pre- and post-slavery.
There’s no such thing as a black corporation out there looking to exploit the Earth of its resources. We see the value of subduing the Earth’s resources in a fair and sustainable way, and we realize mindlessly pillaging Mother Nature is foolish and short-sided.
When white-owned corporations DO have the power to obliterate the environment, like Black Thunder and North Antelope Rochelle and BP, the opposite holds true. From Exxon Valdez to Amazon, to nearly wiping out the buffalo in the 19th century, to Deepwater Horizon, to the coal-fired powerplants that dump ginormous amounts of waste into waterways every year, no one has caused more pollution, death, and destruction to the planet than the white supremacists.
As Dr. Frances Cress Welsing so eloquently spelled out decades ago in her book The ISIS Papers, the root of Europeans’ centuries-long obsession and fixation on conquest lies in their subconscious fear of genetic annihilation — a phobia that is completely irrational and detrimental to mankind as a whole but that prevails because it’s collectively unresolved.
In order to not genetically go extinct, because the melanin genes are dominant over non-melanin ones, they feel the need to have a psychological, social, and economic vice grip over the planet as a whole. In the words of Neely Fuller Jr., they have to be dominant over ALL of the areas of human activity. They, literally, cannot afford to leave anything un-conquered.
In their eyes, white privilege is supposed to afford its beneficiaries preferential treatment over everything, even the laws of physics themselves. While the perks of white privilege are, indeed, power, wealth, and influence, the purpose of that PWI is to ensure that black people and white people will never have to compete on an equal playing field. White privilege was forged in a spirit of fear.
And if they view nature as potentially being beneficial or advantageous to black people in any lucrative way, just like how they had a visceral reaction when Lebron James first came into the NBA, they waste no time getting busy formulating a way to sabotage it. Regarding the wealth gap, their disposition during and after slavery hasn’t changed one iota.
Now, how does this all tie back into the shark attacks in Florida? When you’ve grown up in a world that has constantly told you through TV, music, and the history books that you’re the most valuable kind of being in existence merely for being born a certain skin color, that creates a level of unappeasable arrogance. In the dominant society’s eyes, they feel they’re a special group that should be able to go anywhere and do anything they wish whenever they get good and ready.
That kind of propagandistic behavioral reinforcement creates a grotesquely bloated ego within them that says to itself, I have ownership of this planet, and nothing should ever impede me from coming and going as I please.
So, this is why you see them constantly tempting fate. Those shark attack victims knew those waters were inhabited by them, and they simply did not care. White privilege preached to them all their lives that you don’t have to submit or be humble to any force, not even nature itself.
It’s told them all their lives things like, “Why, we’ve unapologetically forced the general public to use coal for energy, even though there are other sustainable and easily available sources, to the point where climate collapse for the entire planet is virtually inevitable, but don’t worry about it because the Earth is supposed to do what you tell it to because you’re white and you say so.”
In most cases, the dominant society’s wanderlust isn’t born out of a desire to better understand the world around us in order to benefit society as a whole; it’s to increase their power and control. As Dr. John Henrick Clarke said, the European utilizes everything for war.
The white media making such a huge deal out of this attack is, frankly, ridiculous, and it’s that kind of reporting that keeps these kinds of tragedies going. Rather than the authorities clearly telling the public they need to stay out of the water in these areas permanently, they’re acting all surprised and shocked this kind of thing happened.
You went into the waters of a creature that is literally built to murder and rip things apart. What exactly were you expecting to happen — for a shark to swim over to you, extend their fin, and try to shake your hand? At some point, logic has to kick in, folks.
As the sheriff said, “We know we share the water with sharks.” So, how in the heck is anyone shocked that this happened? Sharks, like most animals, are curious creatures, and they occasionally take a bite into something just to see what it is; they’re not some blood-thirsty monsters obsessed with the taste of human flesh, but the white media will paint them that way simply because “whiteness” should mean you can go and do anything without repercussion.
And by the way, do you ever notice how when some hiker gets harmed or killed by a mountain lion or something the authorities go find some random mountain lion to euthanize as revenge — as if that’s gonna bring the victim back or teach the other mountain lions a lesson? That’s what I mean by conquering. In their minds, it’s, “How dare that apex predator look at me as prey.”
White privilege is white supremacy, and white supremacy believes it should be the law of the universe. The thing is, nature acts as a constant reminder to them that they cannot successfully monitor and control every aspect of the environment around them. There are, indeed, forces they can’t dominate, and they’re hella salty about that.
That’s why you see these pics floating around of white men and women standing in front of some endangered animal they just shot — with some animal they had to sneak up on and fire a projectile object going over a thousand feet a second. That’s totally brave and badass…right?
There’s nothing odd about these back-to-back shark attacks. People went into shark-infested waters and paid the consequences for doing so. Despite the sheriff’s statement, there’s nothing to look into; there are just people who’ve, most likely, been conditioned to be so arrogant that they think they can engage in whatever thrill-seeking activity they wish with no consequence.
As FBA people, not adopting the conquerors’ mindset is the correct idea moving forward. Nature was entrusted to us by The Maker, and it’s our job to utilize it properly and with respect, not to pillage and plunder it. The goal we should subscribe to should be how to manage the planet in a manner that is constructive, respectful, and dignified, once the Europeans, inevitably, have to relinquish their dominance over it — once we force them to, of course.
The Europeans have already shown they do a piss-poor job of running Mother Nature/the planet as a whole. Let us, as black people, show them and the rest of the world a different path; let us show them that achieving prosperity doesn’t have to be accomplished via either deception or degradation.
One Love & One Justice,
The Stormy Poet
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p: (817) 382–1108
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