If You’re Going To Date a Writer (Poem)
If You’re Going to Date a
…I feel you should let you know.
You’ll find no one with a romance brighter
or, yet, who can equally kill a glow.
Get ready to hear heavy truths —
the kind you’ve evaded all your life.
Rather than tell you what soothes,
they’d rather spare you future knives.
So you mustn’t, they’ve spent many a night
up pondering and studying what things doom man,
deciding how to word things just right
to extend you forethought with which to plan.
So that countless may over-stand,
they slave, persistent in molding minds.
So, please understand,
time to resolve pettiness is agonizing, for them, to find.
They’ll forget dates of birthdays
or even of when you first both went out.
They were too busy assigning a phrase
to your every stunning feature —
ones of a divine creature
they no longer wish to ever live without.
They may have to call back,
not ’cause they don’t long for your voice.
It’s just, certain schemes fade quickly from the track
of the Train-of-Thought — a plot of poise, cracked —
and can’t be retrieved simply by choice.
They may not send sweet text
as often as you might,
only because their kind is vexed
in taking the art of courting in something so light.
They’ll despise the routine “I love yous.”
and the small talk.
With you, only the most lucid words, they’ll choose
to make sure you know their heart’s unlocked.
They’d rather discuss dreams, hopes,
goals, passions, aspirations.
triumphs, dislikes, turn-ons, and how you cope.
For topics like Fox News and the Kardashians,
they have no patience.
They’ll always know what to say to calm you in your grief,
to set your soul to erotic blazes that leave you in disbelief,
to impart wisdom to blow away enemies like a leaf,
and to make a molehill out of your life massifs.
Bottom line, date a writer.
They’re the most emotionally literate and will help
you to be so with yourself.
They know what they want and why they want it.
They make your perception enhanced and wider.
Loving a wordsmith is good for your health.
From the Soul,
Published Works: https://amzn.to/2IZpspw