Beyond Klan Robes: Racism As a System

TSP Compositions
6 min readDec 19, 2023

Comrades & Fellow Travelers,

Today I wanted to share with you all a story I feel that effectively illustrates how anti-black racism/white supremacy works as a well-orchestrated and vigorously maintained system.

When we typically think of what racism looks like, what comes to mind is some plantation owner we saw in some movie about Antebellum Slavery, hurling the n-word every 5 seconds. Or, we think of some ignorant, backwoods, hick, redneck running around with a Confederate Flag and a Maga Hat.

But that’s not what real racism looks like; those are merely caricatures. You see, it’s easy to call out and condemn caricatures because they’re so blatantly racist, and the average white person can point to them and say “Ya see that’s a real racist right there because they’re yelling the n-word and having Alt-right rallies and are openly expressing how much they don’t like black people, and I’ve never done any of that, so there’s no way I could be racist.”

Calling the obvious racists out doesn’t require white society to give up any real power.

While those caricatures do, indeed, occupy a certain sect of the white supremacist body as a whole, believe it or not, the “obvious” ones aren’t the least dangerous.

At Shawnee Mission East High School, in Kansas City, Kansas, a white man–and I say “man” because the white media is always referring to black minors as adults when they’re criminalizing them–attacked a black girl. Before doing so, he called her the n-word. This event occurred in late last November.

Now one of the pieces I’m referencing today comes from the Atlanta Black Star, which is entitled “Kansas City School Did Not Seek Medical Attention for Black Girl Bloodied In Alleged Racist Attack, Parents Say.”

In the piece, they go into detail about how the school did not seek out medical attention on behalf of the attack victim, Brey’anna Brown. That right there is the “educational” system siding with this little racist punk in denying this young black woman medical treatment, when she literally had her nose broken.

That’s them doing their part to uphold the system. Also, this racist thug’s name was never mentioned in any of the articles I looked up about him…and, yet,…they had no problem releasing the victim’s name.

I strongly believe Shawnee Mission East High School and the white media had something to do with that. How in the world is it that the name of the attack-ee isn’t released but the name of the person spouting the racial slur isn’t?

By the way, this just goes to show how cowardly these little white supremacist males are, when they literally have to pick on black females as their targets, just like do with defenseless black children, impoverished folks, and elderly people, and this young black woman still managed to jack this low-life’s face up.

He may have broken her nose, but she still managed to severely put those paws on his little racist behind.

Now another piece I found on KMBC, which is ABC’s local station, was entitled “‘I’m upset. My son hit a girl’: Father of Shawnee Mission East teen boy talks about fight at school.”

So the father of the attacker, who the attacker learned his racism from, finally chose to speak out. And when he did, he didn’t say he was ashamed that his son expressed racist views; he said he was disappointed that his degenerate son attacked a girl. Gee I guess he had no problem with his son using the n-word, and notice that the white media didn’t pin him down on that.
They didn’t grill him on whether or not he thought his son was racist. Furthermore, he just said he wished his song would have “gotten a teacher” rather than trying to stick up for other students. There is absolutely no evidence that the black girl was a threat to any other students in any way. And yet, that’s the only information the public was allowed to have.

That right there is an example of the white parents getting on-code and of the media on the local, state, and national level working to protect some low-life who chose to square up against a friggin girl.

I, personally, have never even thought of fighting a woman. Literally, the thought has never crossed my mind, and this is the case for most Foundational Black American men because we just understand there is zero honor in that, and we understand the rest of the FBA community will punish us for doing doing.

In white supremacist male society, going after soft targets is the norm. We saw what a real fair fight looks like in Alabama back in August of 2023. That’s why they go after the Trayvon Martins, Tamir Rices, Breonna Taylors, and Sandra Blands of the world–aka the people who’ve been outgunned and outnumbered.

Now this little punk, who I still haven’t been able to find a name for, is now facing criminal charges of felony assault. Personally, I think it should have been a hate crime, because there’s one reason and one reason only when someone is using the n-word while committing an act of violence against them.

Nonetheless, this is an example of how the various entities of whiteness work together to maintain systematic racism–and they consist of individuals who don’t even know each other personally. And, that is because they don’t have to. They’re on-code.

They’re all on the same page even though they’ve never met each other, and that’s how systemic racism works. Racism is a group sport, and we, as black people, need to treat anti-racism/black empowerment the same way. One thing I must concede to white supremacist society is that they are organized, to the point where the rules of “whiteness” don’t even need to be spelled out; they’re just so pervasive that they are inherently understood universally.

Black empowerment needs to work the same way. We, as a group, must learn to see white dominance from the lens of it needing to be systematically dealt with, not in the manner of needing to “educate ignorant people.” The racists who have the power to actually affect the quality of black people’s lives, like the school board, the ABC network, and the parents of the attacker are fully cognizant of their actions. They’re, in no way, ignorant.

Admittedly, those who practice this system are some of the smartest people on the planet, which is why we’ve been undermined for hundreds of years. What that says is, we need to have a code of our own that rivals the white establishment.

At the end of the day, your children need to be fully briefed about the world they’re going to have to deal with. They need to understand that what happened to Brey’Anna Brown could very well happen to them, and they need to be trained–yes I said “trained”–onto how to deal with those situations.

No, they don’t just get to “be like other kids.” Unfortunately, black kids are not privileged in that circumstance. You owe it to them to give them an accurate depiction of the world they will have to contend with. Not sharing with them their true reality only cheats them out of being able to succeed in this world.

Yes, of course, racists are Ku Klux Llan members and Donald Trump. Duh…that’s obvious. Anyone can say that. That doesn’t take any courage to state such a claim. However, how many folks, especially white people, are willing to call out Shawnee Mission East High School, KMBC, or the parents of this attacker?

Countless instances like this occur every day, and, until white people are willing to call out and condemn these instances of systemic racism on a consistent basis, these situations of black child abuse will continue to occur, and systematic racism will continue to endure as it has for hundreds of years.

The choice is yours, White America.

One Love & One Justice,
The Stormy Poet



TSP Compositions
TSP Compositions

Written by TSP Compositions

I'm a wordsmith who believes literature has the power to save the 🌍 & who intends to prove it by example. (TSP Compositions:

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