Thawed (Poem)When Sun’s time fleets before a street light’s haze and no repletes, dwell for the graze of the soft green, for man and deer, alike, the…Jan 20Jan 20
Why MLK Day Is Not Dr. King’s Real Birthday: Questioning What We CommemorateMost people in the US are under the assumption that Martin Luther King Day signifies the exact day he was born, and, should you happen to…Jan 16Jan 16
No Thing Left Un-Conquered: The Dominant Society’s Undying QuestFamily & Fellow Travelers, “Three people were injured in two shark attacks within just 90 minutes of each other Friday at neighboring…Dec 7, 2024Dec 7, 2024
Never Say “H**l” of a Woman (Poem)Never say “hell of a woman.” It’s the compliment’s epitome of hypocrisy when referring to what’s extended from a male’s “wom-b.” ’Tis…Nov 30, 20241Nov 30, 20241
Dad Laugh (Poem)Dad isn’t dead. Matter’fact, heard his laugh today during the, RDCWorld upload, the Frasier show, and when my lady and I, during our daily…Nov 10, 2024Nov 10, 2024
Punishing Kamala/The Dems — How Black Americans Exercised Power in the 2024's official. After 4 years of America being under Democratic mismanagement, the Orange Man will once again fulfill the role of…Nov 8, 2024Nov 8, 2024
Beyond Klan Robes: Racism As a SystemComrades & Fellow Travelers, Today I wanted to share with you all a story I feel that effectively illustrates how anti-black…Dec 19, 2023Dec 19, 2023
Babe in the Woods (Poem)That fog of dawn was rare, indeed. Yet, it could not impede her risk to take. With confidence partial to her steed, security in its bravery…Dec 14, 2023Dec 14, 2023
Fireplace (Poem)Your rhythmless dance complementarily contrast you rhythmical roar. And your crackling chorus carefully caresses cochlea.Dec 2, 2023Dec 2, 2023
Epiphany #1: StarsThey’re millions of miles around but are mere sparkly specs amongst the black abyss.Jun 4, 2023Jun 4, 2023